Holy Week Schedule

Celebrate this blessed time with us!

  • Wednesday, 4 April, 7:00 pm, Lenten Wednesday program
    The final session will be held at Fr. Rasch’s home and will include Rosary, meatless pot-luck supper, and discussion. RSVPs requested (to limit the leftovers Fr. will have!). Please bring your Prayer Book, Bible, and Rosary (if you have one).
  • Thursday, 5 April, 7:00 pm, Maundy Thursday Mass
    Fr. Rasch is still looking for additional volunteers for the traditional Foot Washing. Be a part of this ancient custom!
  • Friday, 6 April, 12:00 noon to 2:30 pm, Liturgy of Good Friday
  • Sunday, 8 April, 10:00 am, Procession and Solemn Mass of Easter
    Easter egg hunt for the children will follow Mass. Remember to bring a hand bell to be rung at the Gloria in Excelsis. Ladies, wear your Easter bonnets!

If you wish to donate flowers for Easter Sunday, please contact Sande Gleason.

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