Holy Week Schedule
Event schedule for Holy Week:
- 4 April, Wednesday
- 10 am: Midweek Low Mass (Wednesday in Holy Week)
- 6 pm: Lenten study series (Ruiz hosting)
- 5 April, Thursday, 7 pm: Maundy Thursday Mass and the Maundy
Commemoration of the institution of the Holy Communion and the Washing of the Feet of the Disciples - 6 April, Good Friday, 12-2:30 pm: Liturgy of Good Friday
- 7 April, Holy Saturday, 9-11 am: Church work party to clean and decorate the Church for Easter Sunday
- 8 April, Easter Sunday, 10 am: Procession and Solemn Mass of Easter
Remember to bring a hand bell (to be run at the Gloria in Excelsis). Ladies, wear your Easter bonnets! Easter Egg Hunt for the children after Mass.