Annual Meeting Results
Results of the Annual Meeting of 31 January:
14 members were in attendance. Ken Kubo, Gretchen Martin, and Agnes Talley were elected to the Vestry. Barbara Bowyer was unanimously elected Jr. Warden. The Rector appointed Nancy Jones as Sr. Warden for 2016. A budget of $43,100 was adopted for 2016.
Nancy Jones, John Fike, and Ann Hanna were elected as delegates to the 30th annual Diocesan Synod, 4-5 May at the Sierra Madre Passionist Retreat Center. We are in need of Alternate Delegates; if any members are willing to serve as an Alternate, please give your name to the Bishop. Guest (non-voting) attendees are cordially invited to attend any portion or the entirety of the Synod. Alternates and guests need not stay overnight.
The Lenten Wednesday evening study for this year will be Getting PAST What You’ll NEVER Get Over by Rev. John F. Westfall. The program will include Evening Prayer and a discussion of the book.