Choral Mass
We will celebrate the Second Sunday after Trinity with a Choral Mass. Bishop Bulloch (with the gracious allowance of the congregation of St. Ignatius, Riverside) will preach and celebrate the service with Holy Communion. Spiritual Communion with our brethren staying Safer At Home will still be available via Zoom.
Download the service leaflet here.
Join the Zoom meeting here.
Please note that all previous guidance regarding in person attendance is still in force. Additionally, please note the following:
- You will be asked to sign in and provide a contact e-mail or phone number so that we may contact you in case of a COVID-19 related incident. This also serves as your acknowledgement of risk.
- Please follow the directions of the usher(s) for Communion. Use the tape guidelines to maintain 6′ distancing. You will be receiving Communion in one species (Host only) directly from the Bishop from hand to hand, standing. Return to your seat via the side aisles.
- The guidelines from Los Angeles County allow singing and group recitation as long as 6′ distancing can be maintained (masks will be worn throughout the service by all parishioners). It is established that singing and recitation do increase the possible range of particulates. If the increased risk in any way makes you uncomfortable, please continue to attend our services virtually.