Indoor Choral Mass
I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.
– Psalm 122
With the county’s recent shift to the red tier, we will be celebrating the Mass for Passion Sunday this week inside the Church! We will be maintaining the virtual services via Zoom for our remote congregants and anyone who is not yet ready to assume the risk of indoor worship.
Download the service booklet here
Join the Zoom service here
Please note: Even with appropriate safeguards, an increased risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any social gathering or public place where other people are present. By attending services in person, you voluntarily assume all risks and personal responsibility for any related illness or other complications. We strongly urge parishioners in the CDC high risk category who have not yet been fully vaccinated (2 weeks after the last vaccination) to continue to attend services virtually.
Our required Reopening Protocol form will be posted at both entrances and may be viewed here.
This is a review of the reopening guidance the Vestry approved last June as updated for the recent Health Officer Orders.
- Attendance will be strictly limited to a maximum of 23 physical congregants in the nave (not counting the organist and Zoom wrangler).
- The Parish Hall will be closed. No food or drinks will be dispensed (not even water). No Sunday School for children. No coffee hour following services.
- If you wish to socialize before or after Church, please do so outside and maintain proper social distancing.
- Entry and exit will be through the main entrance only; the rear door will be strictly for clergy and staff or as an emergency exit.
- Every other pew will be blocked off.
- The collection basin will be placed at the rear of the Church; please make your contributions as you enter.
- Printed bulletins will not be available; please view the service leaflet on your digital device or download and print the leaflet in advance.
- Communion will be received standing and in one species (Host only).
- For attendees:
- Please attend virtually if:
- You currently have or have within the past 72 hours had a fever of 100.4°F or higher; please take your temperature before coming to the Church. You may take your temperature upon arrival as well.
- You have had any other symptoms potentially indicating COVID-19 (chills, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, etc) that began in the last 10 days.
- You have been outside the country or been potentially exposed to the virus in the last 10 days.
- You reside with or care for a person meeting the above criteria or who is being tested for (or has tested positive for) the virus.
- Wear a face covering at all times that covers your nose and mouth.
- Make use of the hand sanitizer provided at the entrance and restrooms.
- Maintain appropriate social distancing of at least six feet when seated in pews (members of the same household may sit closer together).
- Sign in with contact information to allow notification in the event of potential exposure.
- Voluntarily notify the Junior Warden or any member of the Vestry if symptomatic or diagnosed with COVID-19 within 10 days of attending services.
- Please attend virtually if: