Solemn High Mass (Epiphany I)
We will celebrate the First Sunday after The Epiphany as well as commemorating The Epiphany (6 January) within the Octave. Bishop Rasch is planning to celebrate and preach. The Zoom service will continue for our remote congregants and those who are not yet ready to assume the risk of attending indoor services.
Download the service booklet here
Join the Zoom service here
Parishioners, please note that the Annual Parish Meeting will be conducted Sunday, 30 January, in the Parish Hall following Mass. Business to be conducted includes:
- Election of three new members to the Vestry for 3-year terms
- Election of the 2022 Junior Warden
- Appointment of the 2022 Senior Warden
- Election of 3 delegates and 3 alternates to the 2022 Diocesan Synod
- Acceptance of the 2021 Treasurer’s Annual Report
- Approval of a Parish Budget for 2022
All are welcome to attend and participate in discussion. Please remember that in accordance with our bylaws, to be eligible to vote on issues or be nominated to the Vestry, for at least sixty days preceding the meeting, an individual must be at least 18 years of age, listed as a member in the Parish Register (through a Request to Join the Parish or a sacramental service such as Baptism/Confirmation/Reception), regular and frequent in attendance and receipt of Holy Communion (when possible), and a contributor of record.