Ecclesiastical Congress Called for October 12-13
The College of Bishops has called an Ecclesiastical Congress that will be held 12-13 October at St. James Church, Kansas City. The Congress is open to everyone, both clergy and laity, to come together for worship, education, mutual encouragement in the faith, and fellowship. The leaders will be Bishops Kleppinger, Seeland, and King. Addresses will be given by Archbishop Michael Wright from England, Bishop Samuel Banzana from South Africa, and Bishop Cruz-Blanco of Central America. Two other bishops will also be present. Some of the topics to be covered will be: acolytes, altar guild, church music, evangelism and church growth, holy oils and the ministry to the sick, and accounting and legal matters.
The Anglican Rite Catholic Church
Office of the Acting Metropolitan
17 August 2006
Dear Brethren,
The College of Bishops has called an Ecclesiastical Congress that will be held Thursday, October 12, and Friday, October 13, at Saint James’ Anglican Church, Kansas City. The Congress is open to everyone: both clergy and laity. All who wish to, may come. This will provide a time for us to come together with folks from other dioceses to worship the Lord, for education, mutual encouragement in the faith, and fellowship.
The Lord willing, The Most Reverend Michael Wright will be with us from England, and The Right Reverend Samuel Banzana will be with us from South Africa. We also will have The Right Reverend Arthur Rushlow and The Right Reverend Leo Michael (from the United Episcopal Church) present. No doubt as the day draws closer, we may be joined by others as well.
The attached Agenda will show you the various workshops that have been planned.
We suggest you make your travel plans to arrive on Wednesday, October 11. There will be Registration in the afternoon and evening. Additional information on Registration will be forthcoming from Saint James’ Parish.
Lodging will be at The White Haven Motor Lodge, 8039 Metcalf, Overland Park, KS 66204. Phone: 800-752-2892. This is within easy driving distance from the Church and is a very nice family-owned motel. You are responsible for making your own reservations directly with the motel. Please tell them you are with the group from Saint James.
The Congress will end on Friday evening so you can plan for a Saturday departure. Or you can spend the weekend in the area to extend the time of fellowship. The College of Bishops will be meeting on Saturday.
We trust that you will make every effort to avail yourself of this opportunity to come together in the Lord.
For the Bishops.
Faithfully in Christ,
The Right Reverend Thomas J. Kleppinger
Ecclesiastical Congress
October 12 & 13, 2006
Saint James’ Church, Kansas City, MO
Thursday – October 12
- Morning
- Matins and Mass
- Address by Archbishop Michael Wright
- Church Music Demonstration (Bp. Thomas Kleppinger)
- Church Music Applied (Peter Whipple)
- Afternoon
- Address by The Right Reverend Samuel Banzano
- Legal and Accounting (John Getz and Lynn Baxter)
- Evangelism and Church Growth (Bp. Leo Michael)
- Evening
- Solemn Evensong and Benediction
Friday – October 13
- Morning
- Matins and Mass
- Address by Bishop Cruz-Blanco
- Ministry to the Sick (Bp. David Seeland)
- Acolytes (Fr. Oren Cyphers)
- Holy Oils (Bp. Hank King)
- Altar Guild
- Evening
- Evening Prayer and Hymn Sing