Archive for the 'Events' Category

Midweek Mass

Wednesday, December 4th, 2013

Midweek Mass will be celebrated on Thursday at 10.

Advent Mass with Lessons and Carols

Thursday, November 28th, 2013

The annual Mass with Lessons and Carols for the First Sunday of Advent will be held this Sunday at 10 am. Please join us (and bring a friend!) for our inspirational offering of congregational and choral singing and seasonal readings. Music will include traditional selections as well as compositions from Mozart, Bach, Besig, and Ord.

Ingathering Sunday

Wednesday, October 30th, 2013

Specially labeled Grocery Shopping Bags are atop the bench behind the back pew. These are for filling with non-perishable, canned and dry goods for the needy, and will be collected at our annual Ingathering of Food. The food will be provided to a local food bank for distribution prior to Thanksgiving for distribution to the […]

Midweek Mass

Wednesday, October 30th, 2013

The Midweek Mass will be celebrated at 10:00, commemorating the Feast of All Saints.

Long Range Planning Committee

Wednesday, October 30th, 2013

The Long Range Planning Committee will meet at the Ruiz home beginning at 7:15 pm. All interested parishioners are cordially invited to attend.